The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude-Sofia Banagi
Gratitude always wins. The more grateful we feel, the more prosperity and bliss we have in our lives.
Our very existence is the strongest reason to be grateful. Every day, every minute, every experience is a blessing. Gratitude starts with the very small, simple things. Of all the things we have and forget because we take them for granted. Gratitude goes hand in hand with joy, because you learn to be content and self-sufficient with what you already are and have. There are countless studies that estimate that the practice of daily gratitude leads to greater well-being and a positive outlook on life.
The positive mindset of practicing gratitude acts as an antidote to the negative inner voice and inner judge that many people have as part of their identity. Being grateful and feeling it is essential to being happy. When you are grateful you don't expect external objects and situations to bring you the much-desired happiness. You focus on you and the gift of life that you already have. You focus on being healthy, alive and seeing the beauty of life every day.
​Cultivating gratitude, we acquire the mentality to offer both to ourselves and to our fellow human beings. Loving, supporting ourselves is not selfish but it is necessary to not feel wronged and expect others to meet our needs. Through these daily acts of self-love we feel grateful and worthy to be loved and loved.
The Power of Gratitude-Sofia Banagi

Don't put off the happiness you deserve for later. Life won't wait for you forever. Live every day to the fullest, enjoy every moment of joy, focusing on all the little things that give you meaning and joy. Appreciation and gratitude are closely related. I appreciate something when I realize that nothing is infinite and inexhaustible and I understand its value. Statements like "Thank God I'm alive and well" reveal that when we are in danger of losing something we take for granted, we understand how important it is.
Gratitude is built and strengthened by more gratitude. According to science the brain changes with experience, so the more gratitude we feel and show the more the brain learns to focus and tune in to the positive things in the world. There are many ways to practice gratitude, it just takes repetition and enthusiasm. The brain adapts and when it succeeds, it starts working at this frequency and looking for the next stimulus of gratitude! The person who seeks, learns to be grateful and to be happy with life. Be one of those people!!

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