Life coaching and Men have the right to discover themselves!

There are no male and female emotions.

There are human emotions and needs that we need to stoop to embrace with understanding and acceptance.
The life coaching for men is based on the needs of the man today. The Little boy from the moment he is born he listens all the time 
"who is the right man for the family and society". 
He is nurtured to be invulnerable, tough, masculine, successful, to be liked. 
The life coaching I provide is based on the person and its purpose is for each of us to feel liberated from the shoulds and stereotypes that immobilize him and make him feel shame and fear.
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Why choose to do life Coaching?
•Why will you allow yourself to meet you as a Human
• Why it's worth getting in touch with your feelings, your insecurities
• Because you are not alone and you have the right to ask for help
Why you will learn to say "I can't or I don't want to"
•Why you need to be accepted
Men you did not come into this life to be strong, successful and lift weights.
You deserve to do something more meaningful to you without guilt and shame!!
You have the right to relax and show it off!!

If you are interested in Life Coaching Fill out the Contact Form