Woman and self-esteem!! How will you increase your self-esteem through behavioral coaching?

Woman and self-esteem!! How will you increase your self-esteem through behavioral coaching?-Sofia Banagi

Woman and self-esteem!! How will you increase your self-esteem through behavioral coaching?

It is true that self-esteem is the determining factor for our development in life.
The cognitive behavioral coaching it focuses on the knowledge we have adopted about ourselves. This knowledge is mainly from the significant others when we were children.

How do you really feel about yourself today? How do you treat him?
Behavioral Coaching will help you understand your behavior in the stimuli you receive and you will understand what you think about yourself.
The information you get will determine your relationship with acceptance and rejection, success and failure.

Usually people with low self-esteem have not been trained to love and accept themselves. Loving myself means embracing him, him looking after, I don't judge him permanently and listen to my wishes.

There are many women who feel that they are not doing anything right, that they do not deserve a good relationship and a happy life. This is a learned negative thinking model.

You are worthy for all that you are, say it many times to your unique self!!

Stop thinking about what people will say!!

Learn that the opinion we have of ourselves determines the opinion of others about us.

Did she come? time change the story you tell yourself?
We have all created a story for ourselves. Usually very specific and structured by the beliefs of others. So, if you believe that "you don't deserve a nice life", that "You are ugly", this is what you will project to those around you. With Coaching as a guide and a Life Coach as your ally, your story can change and thus your life.

Read also  The Power of Gratitude

In times when we want to change, we need to HAVE positive people by our side, they will not hold us back.

The Coaching it will help you focus on today, your abilities and will motivate you. You will learn to claim what you deserve!!

It deserves a second chance!!
Do what makes you feel happy.
It's about your life!!

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3 thoughts on “Γυναίκα και αυτοεκτίμηση!!Πως μέσω του behavioral Coaching θα αυξήσεις την αυτοεκτίμηση σου;

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