Does Coaching really "work"?

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Does Coaching really "work"?
We live in a time when things evolve very quickly and the need for the evolution of each person is now a one-way street.
Every day the modern man has to face many pressures and difficulties, family, work, professional obligations, unemployment and social relationships. All these obligations take him away from himself and his own needs.

At this point, life coaching and the life coach that helps you turn to yourself makes its appearance. Answer questions you may never have answered with honesty and understanding.

What does it mean to do a Coaching session?

In a Coaching session a relationship develops. The coach is in the present and looks at the person with acceptance, empathy and commitment to help the Coachee move forward. The Coach will support you and help you to find solutions, to discover inner strengths to manage some situations, but if there are seriously injured, he must refer you to another specialty.
The Coach deals with how the person will create new behaviors in order to produce new results

Read the full article here

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