How to change habits?

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How to change habits?
You are what you make every day!! It is true that what you do every day determines how you feel and the direction you go.

Usually with the change of each year, we set new goals and take stock of the past year. This is a time when people set new goals and see new perspectives. It's a season of renewal!
We start to change a habit with boldness, enthusiasm and self-confidence but unfortunately soon follows a phase of frustration, fatigue and frustration that leads to giving up.
In the end, habit turned out to be a tough opponent!!

We are faced with a set of our entrenched behaviors, limiting beliefs, and instead of insisting on change, we put it on the apron. We prefer our learned way of life, our comfort, the familiar. It is true that our automated behavior undermines our logic, our creativity, our evolution. Autonomy, independence and bliss require perseverance, patience and dedication.

Read the full article here

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