I'm not having a good time, but why don't I change?

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I'm not having a good time, but why don't I change?
Many times you complain that things don't change and you feel trapped. You have made the choices
either personally or professionally but something is not working.

You feel trapped in your own choices. The things you have chosen do not make you happy and happy. Fortunately things are not black and white, you just need to realize that you need to make some changes.
Humans have been trained to stick to past behaviors that may have been effective at one time but are no longer.

Life is constantly changing, we refuse to change because that's just how we've been taught. However, the constant repetition of behaviors ultimately keeps us unhappy and powerless to lead us to a better everyday life and routine.
We often persist in following learned behaviors because we believe that it is difficult to change, that we are old enough, that others are to blame, etc.

At this point we need to pause, observe our behavior and the vicious circle we may be reproducing. We need to be honest with ourselves, give ourselves time and space to understand what we really desire.

Why don't people change?

-Fear of the unknown.

Change scares us, we don't like to try new things, let alone new behaviors. It is understandable to be afraid because the human species biologically works this way. We fear what we don't know, we desire to be in control. Many times we choose situations and people that hurt us because they feel familiar.

Read the full article here

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