What is Personal Branding and what are its main goals?

What is Personal Branding and what are its main goals?-Sofia Banagi

What is Personal Branding and what are its main goals?

Create a personal action plan for yours personal branding and stand out. As you reflect on who you are, what you want to represent and how you want to exist in the working world, you will become the creator of your own work.

As you discover what you really want, you find yourself bursting with creativity and energy for this new beginning of yours.
-What is the personal branding and what are his goals?
Andres Perez Ortega, brand strategist and one of the most influential authors on Personal branding, defines the concept as follows:
"Personal branding recommended to leave a specific and memorable mark by discovering who You are, providing unique value to a specific group of people, creating trust and harmony through effective communication”
What is Personal Branding and what are its main goals?-Sofia Banagi
Creating a personal brand in this day and age is essential and very important and involves identifying and communicating your qualities that help you stand out.
Personal Branding Action Plan: 6 Essentials steps to build your brand?
1-Start with self-awareness. The first and most valuable step in creating your personal brand is to define your purpose. It is important what you like, what leads you in that particular direction. it will help you find and express your unique characteristics and skills.
2-Define your mission and your vision. Equally important step, although they may look similar they are different. Your brand mission is about today and answers the questions “What do I do” and “Who do I help”.
Your vision relates to your future goals and answers questions such as "where do I want to go", "what is my contribution to society" and "what impact do I want to leave". This idea is motivational and a road map for your personal plan.
3-Determine your values. Your personal brand needs to be true to your personal values. Our values are the principles, qualities and virtues that determine our actions. Values such as creativity, persistence, authenticity, trust and honesty are what define and guide us.
4-Define your value proposition. At this stage, you are ready to determine your market value. What perception do you want customers to have of you:
Remember identifying who you are targeting is key to identifying your ideal customer.
5-Define your goals. The goals you want to achieve are a key part of the process. If you are not clear with your goals, it will be difficult to achieve them. If you wish to proceed one step further, follow the SMART approach: each goal should be measurable, specific, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
6-Create a digital identity, it is equally important and creative for your personal brand. Knowing how to position yourself 
in the digital world it is exciting and necessary.
Some basic elements of the visual identity include, the logo, the colors, the images, the photograph, the expressions.
What is Personal Branding and what are its main goals?-Sofia Banagi
These are some of the most important steps you have to work on if you want to stand out and exist in the modern age. Obviously personal branding involves other steps and processes that you need to follow. Evolution and personal development lasts as long as we want and it is up to us to develop.
Society, culture and people evolve with the passage of time. Your personal brand should do the same.
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