How do you sabotage yourself?

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How do you sabotage yourself?

Most people have created a story that they keep telling themselves. This story is a lie we carry around and sabotage ourselves.
It's about the story we repeat to ourselves Daily, it's the thought that limits how we see ourselves and the world.

Unfortunately, it is the source of our Ego that usually makes life difficult for us and prevents us from seeing the beauty within us and our divine existence.

What can we do today with our history?

Today, fortunately, we are responsible for our lives and our history. Will we continue to see ourselves through our limiting glasses or will we try to write our own history?
THE self knowledge it is the only path that if you trust it will lead you to the truth. What you've learned so far isn't all about you, it's about how significant others saw the world and what they conveyed to you. We have inherited our people, their beliefs, their values and we need to see what we will keep and what we will leave.

The best thing we can do for our personal health and well-being is to understand our personal lies so they stop sabotaging us. We deserve a life we choose.

How do we sabotage ourselves?

Self-sabotage is the behaviors that indoctrinate us to act beyond ourselves and keep us disempowered. The behaviors that someone sabotages himself in everyday life is as follows:

Read also  How to reduce stress?

-Underestimation of self

-Difficulty expressing emotions


-Lack of care of the self

- Self-destructive behaviors

- Avoiding uncomfortable situations

People always blame the circumstances for what it is. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who advance in this world are those who seek the conditions they desire, and if they cannot find them, they create them themselves.

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