Woman to woman!! Life coaching by Sofia Banagi

Woman to woman!! Life coaching by Sofia Banagi-Sofia Banagi

Woman to woman!! Life coaching by Sofia Banagi

"Woman", you moved far away from your feminine nature, not because you wanted to, but because you were taught, like me, to obey duties and roles that others invisibly set for us.

What have you really forgotten? You forgot that you are the creator of life, beauty, kindness, kindness, hope!!
It's time for all Women to stop constantly looking outside ourselves for confirmation, the artificial beauty that distorts us so much that we can't see who we are.
Life Coaching for authentic Women, is a creation of sessions with my vision that every woman finds a safe environment to express herself and another woman listens to her carefully so that the path to return to her roots becomes!!
The woman only needs to stop consuming and start tasting, enjoying her Existence. A woman, no matter how she looks, cannot be filled inside, because in order to feel full, alive, healthy, you need to be authentic and that will happen when we stop wanting so much to please others.
How will life coaching help you?
  • All women to feel free need to be in an environment where they don't have to prove anything, where their voice will be heard but above all another woman will feel their feeling without criticism.
  • Based on the above, life coaching will train you to learn to trust your instinct, to start listening to that inner voice that "speaks" to you.
  • Usually you ignore it, repress it, hide it and it changes form and can be expressed with anxiety, anger, bitterness. How will you begin to rejoice when you yourself ignore her?
Read also  Life coaching means development, motivation and self-improvement!

I know you are also afraid of what people will say, if you are a mother you will think that I can't love me it is selfish.
I will tell you that if you love yourself it is liberating, revealing and you will inspire and help other women to do the same.

Nothing will be given to you, you need to unearth the inner strength and throw away much of what you currently hold. What are you afraid of; What do you have to lose;

So this is what we were taught that in every change we lose something. No one or very few told us what we will win. This is the first step, to focus on how much you will gain if you learn to love and care for you.

  • You will literally beat yourself up
  • you will gain your strength
  • you will earn your smile
  • you will earn your glow
  • you will feel good about yourself
  • you will accept that you can stop doing things all the time
  • you will enjoy life
  • you will gain new people in your life
  • You'll love it growing up

You are a woman and you have a Place in this world, claim it. Each person has his own position and stands for something unique. And if until now you haven't discovered it because you believed in the instructions we were told from a very young age, it exists today.


You have the choice to do life coaching and you have to do it because you owe it to yourself. You owe it to yourself to take matters into your own hands and transform yourself like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, beautiful and colorful!!

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