How responsible are you to yourself?

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How responsible are you to yourself?
How responsible are you to yourself? Have you ever wondered if you are as responsible as you want to be with yourself and your life?
Taking personal responsibility is a decision that does not take a moment but takes time, dedication, training and commitment.

Life Coaching supports you to understand how you have acted up to now and finally if you are satisfied with yourself and the results you have on a personal and professional level.

Personal responsibility involves working with ourselves and the journey of personal self-awareness.
When someone takes responsibility for themselves, they become an observer and create a new plan that they want to move and act on. Usually this process starts when we stop blaming others permanently for our choices, for how bad or good we feel, etc.

The Behavioral life coach supports you on this path and through questions, active listening, reflection and a series of techniques and exercises, helps you chart a new direction according to your personal needs and wants. The goals set in each session help you to be able to change, to cultivate new patterns of thinking and behavior, therefore to have new results.

Usually taking personal responsibility scares us because we consider it something "big" or "negative".
Even this is a learned repetitive belief. Today you are an adult and you have your own point of view on life and you can interpret things differently. When your worldview changes, so do your actions, and that's magic. It is magical because you can be the creator of a different path that you will surely be glad that you can and are in charge of.

Read the full article here

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