Why is it worth investing in yourself?

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Why is it worth investing in yourself?
There are people who invest in themselves because they know that this is the only way they will become more mature, more effective. Growing up we learned to invest in external things, mainly material things. We were educated by following the dictates of others, society, social media, we will become liked and "in".

In this way we moved away from the most essential investment, the evolution of ourselves. If you want to live authentically and according to your own wants and dreams, evolve yourself.
But you have to make a decision and implement what you think.

But why do we refuse to invest in ourselves?

If we think and observe the way we act every day, we will see that we do not stop being busy with something else, apart from our real care. There are many excuses, work, home demands, social time, children, friends.

How frustrating to not have half an hour meaningful to us?

Have you wondered that in all this external hunting you are leaving you behind. Then you whine, feel angry, lonely, frustrated and start whining. You are responsible for your self-care, for your development, for your dreams.

Read the full article here

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