The cornerstone of relationships is trust!!

The cornerstone of relationships is trust!!-Sofia Banagi
A basic foundation in all human relationships is trust. Trust is a complicated dance between two people.

The term trust is generally defined as faith, transparency, certainty. It is true that trust is the strongest foundation in a relationship. No human relationship has lasted over time without the presence of human values and ideals. Because human relationships in order to be preserved over time and strengthened must, before anything else, have quality. For everything that everyone desires to happen, your good intention is not enough, it takes time, love, support, actions, moments of joy and faith.
So my dears, in the relationships you desire but don't have or can't find and you constantly complain that it is your fault that you are not open enough and available to happiness, joy, acceptance and love.
Trust is that element that keeps the relationship alive and its existence between a couple also means health.
How to develop trust in your relationship?

—Be honest with yourself and your intentions.
To be honest with our partner we need to know ourselves. Many times we are influenced by the beliefs and opinions of others but we need to know what we want and what our needs are. When we are honest with ourselves we can build healthy relationships.

-Make sure your words match your actions.
It's not enough to say you're in love, you have to show it too. Otherwise you will have to settle for a mediocre relationship, mediocre feelings and a routine that does not honor your very existence. YOU decide and are the only one responsible for your life.

– You have to be able to put yourself in the other person's shoes and see their point of view. This is called empathy. It is an ability and skill that shows that you respect and listen to the other person.

—.Trust. A real bond of trust involves knowing that our partner will be faithful. Not just in relational matters, but in every way.

-Freedom. Trust and honesty in our relationship brings freedom. It's wonderful and relaxing to be able to operate freely.

—Sexual fulfillment. By cultivating a sense of trust, we can be free to express our sexual needs and desires without fear. This can be extremely erotic and exciting.

-Patience. When we create a relationship, there will definitely be challenges because the relationship is a living organism. We all make mistakes and have failures, we are human beings with strengths and flaws, so we need to be patient sometimes.
As we struggle to evolve through personal challenges to our growth and progress it is invaluable to have a person who can bear with us.
The cornerstone of relationships is trust!!-Sofia Banagi

The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them. Let go of the past and move forward, don't let a betrayal or a bad experience poison you and control the quality of your life and relationships. If the other one turns out to be a little bit more, it's his problem. Show confidence in yourself and in the relationship you believe it deserves!! 

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