How to become your best ally?

How to become your best ally?-Sofia Banagi
The relationship with our unique self needs to be one of support, love, self-esteem and acceptance! Unfortunately we are not trained in this condition and many times we sabotage ourselves.
  All of us have one and only relationship that will never end as long as we live, that is the relationship with ourselves. What we must make clear in our minds is that we cannot love anyone else if we do not first love ourselves. Unfortunately most of us have the notion that we will appear selfish if we love ourselves, but this is a false belief. You don't need anyone's permission to love you. After all, the more self-love you have, the more love you have to give. By changing your relationship with yourself you will attract the right people to share happy moments with.
There is no better day than today to be your own best friend and ally.
How to become your best ally?-Sofia Banagi
Self-love does not mean loving only the good things about ourselves, self-love means accepting myself as it is, without conditions and without constantly comparing myself to others. Accept and love yourself, every minute as you are, this will help you evolve and flourish.
Now is the right time, to rediscover yourself and make it your priority. And as Montechristos said to Isovitis of Arkas, "time to let go of egos and look a little at ourselves"!
The awareness that you often show to others is worth and you must now cultivate it and give it to yourself, so that you can see the change in yourself. Besides, all great and great things in life, start with ourselves.

Remember that:  
– Your value is unique and internal, you were born sufficient!
You didn't come into this life to prove anything to anyone. You came to express all that you are. You came to create your dreams.
– Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparison leads you to anger, jealousy, lack of self-confidence. You are unique as you are!
-The past does not define you. Every moment you are young, focus on that. Accept what you did or did not do in the past, you are free to live as you wish.
— Self-care is not selfishness, it is self-love. Learn to stay a little with yourself and listen to your needs. Only then will you feel creative, happy and giving.
- Create a beautiful and high vision for your life, because you become what you believe!
– Stop asking for confirmation from others. You are not what others say or think about you. Start rewarding and affirming yourself.
-Believe in yourself! Believing in yourself is learned and takes repetition. Only in this way will you find the courage and strength to make your dreams come true.

You deserve to be your own best ally, because you innately deserve love, success and happiness. If you want your reality to change, change what you believe about yourself and then about the world. So believe in the magic and authenticity within you and you will find it in front of you!!
Read also  How responsible are you to yourself?

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