The road to self-realization!!

The road to self-realization!!-Sofia Banagi

The road to self-realization!!

The main theoretical construct of the anthropocentric approach is the idea of self-actualization.


 "What a man can be, he must be. We call this need self-actualization"

A Maslow
According to the humanist psychologist Maslow, our actions are driven by motives in order to satisfy specific needs. The needs based on A. Maslow's pyramid are the normal, biological human needs. From the moment the needs for food, water, sleep and heating are met, man meets his needs for safety and protection.
When people feel safe, they begin to desire to meet their psychological and social needs. Man has a need to love and be loved, while above the need for acceptance and success take priority. Both the psychologist Carl Rogers and A. Maslow put special emphasis on the concept of self-actualization. Self-realization is a process of maturation and development of man in order to utilize his potential. In the therapeutic relationship the counselor, the psychologist must show confidence in his client that he is capable of living with authenticity and constructive change.
What are the characteristics of people who are driven to self-actualization?
-They accept reality and have come to terms with it
– They accept themselves, others and nature
-They are spontaneous, natural and live simply
– They ensure their privacy
-They are autonomous, independent of culture and environment
-They create interpersonal relationships
- They develop constantly and are open to experiences 
-They have a democratic character
-They are creative in thinking and taking risks 
Carl Rogers gave another contribution to the concept of self-actualization, as he talked more about concepts such as the "ideal", "real" self and emphasized the importance of constant change.
The good life, as he claims, is a process, not a fixed state.
Read also  How can you Cultivate your own self-confidence?

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