How do your customers feel about your personal brand?

How do your customers feel about your personal brand?-Sofia Banagi

How do your customers feel about your personal brand?

Your personal brand is one of the most important and powerful ways to stand out in the job market today.
Personal branding has power and with the right guidance, you can create an individual, bright and effective brand.
To understand the dynamics of your own Brand, ask five people who know you. Ask them to tell you what they think about you or who you are, what makes you unique, what you offer to your customers. Would they give you the answers you would tell yourself?
Possibly not and at this point we see its dynamics Personal Branding.
Your personal brand is ultimately how people perceive you and talk about you. Your customers have power, what they say about you and how they convey it to potential customers.
Clearly, there needs to be creation strategic plan in collaboration with Coach your. Nothing should be left to chance. This is your business ID card, for your survival in a competitive environment. It is worth existing and standing out.
- Why is branding so important?
Because your personal brand is You, a part of you, your vision and your reputation. It is your true legacy. It's not what you do or what you sell, but Who you are! 
It tells people who you are, what your values are, what you stand for and ultimately what value you bring to them.
People need brands that trust them and feel valued and counted.
The process of personal branding is creative and complex. It's a challenge of personal responsibility and you don't do it alone. Your own Coach is there for you, to get to know you, to listen to you, to help you put your thoughts and goals in order. It is your person who will support you in creating a personal identity that will positively influence people.
-Creation of Brand Strategy
There are at least five questions you need to ask yourself to really see where you stand.
What am I passionate about?
Successful people have a fire burning inside them. This is their starting point, it is their fuel. When laying the foundation of your personal brand, be sure to focus on using your strengths properly. 
Authenticity is the KEY to personal branding.
-What is my credibility?
Building your personal brand needs the serious component of credibility. What is your education, what certifications do you have, reviews from partners and people who have trusted you?
The road to building credibility is not easy. It takes time, dedication, action. It is also very important that your values are visible. Credibility is the idea of "Walk the walk", i.e. being able to tell people in a short and clear way what you stand for.
-Who is your target audience and how do you want them to feel when they work with you?
Take a pen and paper and write down your target audience. When we define a specific audience, it is easier for us to see what we have to offer to that audience. So let's understand his needs and create an action plan. How do we want these people to feel about us? What emotion do we want them to feel when they hear and see our brand?
Most of the time people want to feel safe and able to trust us. They need to feel that they are building a relationship with you. Think: How can I create this influence? How can I present myself better?
It needs a clear value proposition from you to your audience.
-What are my personal goals for my brand?
It is not possible to have a brand without defining specific goals. Some critical goals are funding your project, creating a site, e-shop, or increasing visibility and promoting your brand. So you need to move in two pillars: one is the creation of your personal brand and the second is a strategy for how you want to be known.
A very important and necessary part for your reputation and the consolidation of your brand is social networking. It takes many things to build a personal brand and clearly people who will be supportive and who will become your allies and supporters. Building a support system is very important.
Networking is a relationship tool and helps you highlight your personal value and stand out from your competition.
You can create a remarkable and shining brand with the signature of your authenticity. Your authenticity and personal story will put you first in the hearts and minds of your customers.
Do you use your personal brand with seriousness and respect and think about how building your recognition and reputation will get you the results you want?
What is business coaching?-Sofia Banagi
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