Give wishes from the heart!!

Give wishes from the heart!!-Sofia Banagi
Every wish contains hope and expectation for something that we wish to happen and especially during the holidays, we wish for people we love and want to be happy and for whatever they wish to happen to them.

 Wishes are beautiful when they are true and of course they can come true! The secret is concentration and attention. Instead of passively hoping it will happen to you, use your energy, take action and focus on what you really want. For wishes to come true, your wish must be more than an empty thought. Wishes belong to the strongest driving forces in our lives and can be a force that motivates and guides us. The stronger the intention behind the wish, the stronger the seed planted and the more effective the fruit will be.
Many times our ego and the voices of others create traps for us and not only do we sabotage our wishes and our wants but we also do not take action to conquer what our heart desires. With this passive behavior we adopt we remain trapped in our egoism and our habits that keep us in a state of non-transcendence and joy of life.

At this point I would like to wish you:

1. Create space and time to take care of your mind, soul and body.
2. Express your feelings because that's the only way we discover ourselves and not be oppressed. The suppression of our emotions makes us sick and makes us sad.
3. Pursue your desires instead of suppressing them, in the face of the tendency to indulge and accept that ultimately creates inner conflict and anxiety.
4. Set limits on yourself and then on others, saying no to what weakens you and keeps you small. Others have no right to your life, don't let them weaken you.
5. Trust yourself and whoever you love because trust is the path to self-discovery and relationship consolidation.
6. To respect the uniqueness of the other and to see the person behind the face.
7. Be generous to other people, to words, to love, to love, to the soul. Life is too short to be stingy and people are rare. Happiness lies in relationships.

Read also  Change Page Set New Goals

In the end, it's worth facing your fears, having faith in yourself and in life. Directly confronting fears and negative beliefs weakens them and helps us gain control over our lives, our wishes, our DREAMS!!

HAPPY EASTER to all of you!!

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