What is Life Coaching?

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What Is Life Coaching?
What is Life Coaching: Historically, the word coach means a wagon-carriage, i.e. that which carries. The term coaching was born in the 19th century, when at the University of Oxford a professor read and examined a student in order to help him pass exams .

Thus, little by little, the term coach began to be used. In a later period of time, it was used in sports.

Coaching is called the "transfer" of students from one goal to successfully conquering the next by someone, i.e. the coach, who has very good knowledge and has communication skills (Giannakopoulos 2017).
Later it was widely used in America and especially in business. Thomas Leonard, an American financial advisor is referred to as the father of professional life coaching.
He was the one who in 1991 founded the first professional life school and in 1994 the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is still the main Accreditation Body for life coaches.
Various theories and studies of the 20th century on human behavior, motivation, personality, the conscious and unconscious, learning and development of man, led to the birth of professional, coaching life. According to Maslow, man in order to he is happy and to reach his self-realization he needs to have mastered the following main pillars:
his need for love and intimacy and that for social recognition, self-esteem, personal worth and a sense of success.

  • Self-actualization: the realization of a person's spiritual, mental and physical potential as well as the sense of completeness, i.e. internal balance, which this implies with the need of the individual to reach his maximum potential, through the full possible development of personal abilities.

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