What is self-realization?

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What is self-realization?
Self-actualization is one of the most basic human needs. Achieving self-actualization means becoming the best version of yourself. This could include discovering and activating your talents, developing your potential and achieving your goals.

But what is it that motivates us and desires us to reach higher levels of existence? As soon as man satisfies his Basic needs of security, food, companion, work, home, he begins to search for the deepest meaning of his life. For everyone it can be special and different.

Man is good by nature, he possesses by himself the capacity for personal development and self-realization because life itself is creation and evolution. Maslow was the first to talk about biological and psychological needs. Higher needs are discovered after satisfying the first ones.

So man needs to cover his psychological needs such as self-esteem, tenderness, sense of Belonging. These are also the basic psychological needs.
We understand that the tension in the human psyche comes from imperfection, this creates an inner conflict.

From his research and studies, on healthy people who are driven to achieve self-actualization, Maslow drew the following conclusions that people who reach self-actualization have the following characteristics:

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