What is it that ultimately leads us to change?

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What is it that ultimately leads us to change?
We really hear the phrase "I have to change" every day from our people, from ourselves. For that to happen I need to turn inward and see who I am.

To understand myself, to see my values, to work out what my beliefs are. My beliefs show the way I have walked in my life. If through the Coaching process you identify the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging you and holding you back, you can challenge them and chart a new path.
Understand how you want to be from now on, what you want to keep and what you want to change.

But anything we wish to achieve in our lives needs a plan, dedication and action. No change happens by itself, let alone changes involving ourselves and our personal development. We need to follow steps and movements that we have to make internally as well as externally.

Read the full article here

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