Does luck really exist?

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Does luck really exist?
Maybe there is no luck after all, or if there is, it is to a lesser extent than we want to believe?

Do we determine our fate but are afraid to admit it? Because in the end, if we see that we are responsible for our lives, we will need to become creators of our own destiny.

Studies have shown that those who we call "lucky people" are people like us, they are just not responsible and are more hardworking and consistent with themselves. How much luckier would you feel if you believed that you define most things?
If you constantly believe that something outside of you defines your work, your personal life, you become a slave of luck. On the contrary, if you believe that you create your own luck, you will make moves in that direction.
Depending on one's value and belief system, luck is a matter of perspective and personal opinion. Our behavior, the way we see things affects our destiny. So apparently the lucky people are the ones who have goals, a vision and a plan.
Lucky people don't blame others or bad luck. Statistically, people who consider themselves lucky face life from a more positive angle.

Read the full article here

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