What is the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem!

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What is the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem!
A topic that has concerned a lot of people in recent years. Two concepts that are very similar to each other but differ in some essential points.

Self-confidence is about what we can do, what we can achieve, while self-esteem is about who we think we are.
Increased self-esteem makes us feel internally safe as a person, to believe in our worth.

Self-confidence mainly gives us the drive to dare, try new things and gain new experiences.

Clearly self-esteem and confidence influence each other. There are people who have high self-confidence but low self-esteem.

The trap to this situation is that I recognize that I have abilities but this can become a drag and I am constantly chasing titles, awards or doing something that I feel I am good enough for.

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