The cornerstone of relationships is trust!!

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A basic foundation in all human relationships is trust. Trust is a complicated dance between two people.

The term trust is generally defined as faith, transparency, certainty. It is true that trust is the strongest foundation in a relationship. No human relationship has lasted over time without the presence of human values and ideals. Because human relationships in order to be preserved over time and strengthened must, before anything else, have quality. For everything that everyone desires to happen, your good intention is not enough, it takes time, love, support, actions, moments of joy and faith.
So my dears, in the relationships you desire but don't have or can't find and you constantly complain that it is your fault that you are not open enough and available to happiness, joy, acceptance and love.
Trust is that element that keeps the relationship alive and its existence between a couple also means health.

Read the full article here

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