How will you get out of your comfort zone with life coaching?

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How will you get out of your comfort zone with life coaching?
It's true that your comfort zone is convenient, it's part of your life, it's your routine. Most people don't like change. They fear the unknown, even when they don't feel comfortable with their daily routine.

But change is the only constant and we need to learn to handle change. It is true that life coaching has entered our lives for good in recent years and concerns many areas. Coach is here to train you in a new way of thinking, perception and self-awareness. Coaching with its various techniques and approaches helps you understand that change is an integral part of life. We live in a new reality where everything changes at a fast pace and many times we are forced to accept changes that others decide for us.

There is a model, by Richard Boyatzis, which claims that man is not a slave to his luck or his destiny. The role of Coaching in the process of change is decisive. The Coach based on Socrates' midwifery method, cognitive behavioral therapy, positive psychology and the human-centered approach can support you to discover a new path of abilities that you have but were not aware of until today.

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