Who ultimately defines your worth?

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Who ultimately defines your worth?
Your worth is defined by you and no one else. You define who You are, what direction you will follow in your life and how you will live.

I want to remind you now that you still have time that most of what you have been told that you are but are not, are lies.

What you still believe about yourself is a reflection of the way you grew up, your programming. Think of a small child of 2-3 years old, he believes what the adults tell him, he grows up with these opinions and he has not developed the rational ability to have an opinion.

That's how you were too, you grew up with the opinions of others, the family system, school, society, partners later.
You are not the only one, most of us grew up like this.

Fortunately this can change, with self-awareness, with practice, with understanding and changing your programming.
It is time to learn about the essence of your being, your authenticity, your beauty, your uniqueness and your true identity.

Until now you did what other people want, you didn't say much no don't upset them, you learned to compromise in order to fit into other people's lives.

Read the full article here

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