Complex people. How and why to avoid them?

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Complex people. How and why to avoid them?
It is true that we are surrounded by complex people. These people usually face issues of low self-esteem and self-confidence. They usually underestimate others and never listen to them. They constantly talk about their achievements. It is the only way they can maintain the image they have created for themselves.

The complex person leaves you feeling bitter. It is the way he will tell you something or advertise his life. You may feel that he is inflating them, but he is always on your mind. This throws you down emotionally and psychologically.

What does success mean to you?-Sofia Banagi
How do you know if someone is complex?

-He has no empathy. This man is so busy with his own life that he will never put himself in your shoes.

-He envies you. Yes my friend, my friend can tell by the way he treats you. The sourness is so obvious and obvious on his face

-Uses words and ways to put you down. It is their hobby to belittle people.

-He is miserable in the soul. He will never tell you a nice talk and he will never be happy with your happiness.

-He lives to show off. By talking about how important he is at work, by wearing brands and showing off money he spoils.

Read the full article here

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